Mongolia Travel

Mongolia in the early spring, Life in a Ger Camp

Ever since I can remember I’ve found myself enamoured with far-off lands. Jungle explorations, desert treks through the Sahara, far away Nepalese mountain ranges and small Himalayan villages. So it comes as no real surprise when I locked eyes with the possibility of Mongolia, and even less unusual that I found a Ger to sleep […]

Azores Portugal Travel

Colours of the Azores

The Azores resemble very little of the mainland Europe I left lying off in the horizon. Earthy, damp and though the clouds are low and the rain frequent, you get the impression that it never gets too cold. What is it that pulls me closer and closer to these places? The ones that provide such […]

India Travel

On the Road to the Golden City of Jaisalmer

When dusk took hold we were barreling out through the outskirts of New Delhi slums. The evening breeze streaming through the windows cooled the muggy carriage air. I had no idea yet I was bound for Jaisalmer, it was a mere inkling of a future plan An elderly lady began reading over my shoulder, Young […]

Food Mongolia Travel

Khuushuur in Mongolia (Making Mongolian Dumplings)

I first discovered golden, crispy, co Khuushuur in a typical Ulanbataar restaurant. I sat and devoured while the snow fell outside and the rest of the world felt like it was tucked off a million miles away.

Mexico Oaxaca Travel

In Mexico, a return to the city of Oaxaca

Descending into Mexico City for the first time was one of the most surreal moments of my life at that time. It made impressions that would change the course of my life in profound ways. Oaxaca, Love at First Taste At just 26 years old, despite working as a flight attendant, I had never strayed […]

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